
Jordan and Nitasha News

March 2023 Update

"For when we place our faith in Christ Jesus, there is no benefit in being circumcised or uncircumcised. What is important is faith expressing itself in love." Galatians 5:6 ESV

Dear Friends,

We hope you are all doing well and looking forward to better weather now that Spring is here! Below you will find a video update for March (we’ll do these every so often), a text version of our top prayer requests and another except from the Japan Prayer Guide.

The deadline is approaching and things are getting even busier, so we really appreciate every prayer, every encouraging meet up and every positive text we get from you all.

Please let us know if you’d like to meet up as soon as possible because our calendar is getting full, and we want to spend time with you as much as we can!

We love you all.
Grace & Peace,
Jordan & Nitasha x

bookPrayer Guide: Japanese Views of Christianity

When Masako, a Japanese non-Christian lady, visited a church, she asked a church member about the meaning of a verse in a hymn. No on, not even the Bible school student, knew. The pastor only knew because he’d studied Classical Japanese. Due to experiences like Masako’s, some Japanese people have an impression that Christianity is difficult to understand or is old-fashioned. Other people may not know enough to have any opinion at all.

Further misunderstandings can emerge through contact with Jehovah’s Witnesses or cults that seem Christian. Without knowing the differences, people can turn away from seeking Jesus altogether. Some people are deterred by the idea that Christianity is “Western” or foreign.

There are positive impressions too. Some Japanese people see Christians as caring or kind, involved with helping the poor or disadvantaged. Give thanks that many Christians are respected, and pray for open hearts toward Christ through them. And pray that negative stereotypes or false ideas about Christianity will be changed through positive interactions.

The last few paragraphs were an excerpt taken from ‘Beneath The Surface: 30 Ways To Pray For Japan’. It was Produced in collaboration with over 35 missionaries and Japanese Christian leaders, from 17 organisations.

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