Jordan and Nitasha Christian

Japan (Currently in the UK, making preparations to leave)

Jordan and Nitasha currently live in Birmingham, where they grew up. Jordan has recently finished his 7-year role as Minister in Training and Youth Pastor at Birmingham City Church and Nitasha works as a self-employed Bridal Hairdresser. Both are currently working hard to raise funds and prayer support, in preparation for their mission to Japan.

Following his first visit to Japan in 2011, Jordan knew he was called to minister to the Japanese. Over the course of their time and ministry at Birmingham City Church, developing teams and discipling the youth, Nitasha and Jordan sought God regarding the direction and realisation of Jordan’s call to the Japanese.

So, in April 2017, they took the opportunity to holiday for 2 weeks on the most southern part of the Japanese archipelago, Okinawa. Once there, they petitioned God for either an undying love for the people of Japan or for the desire to be removed from their hearts. Since their visit, the call became crystal clear that the God of Creation has a deep love for the Japanese people, and they now shared that depth of affection.

Moving forward, they plan to use the variety of ministry, personal and professional experiences and relationships to make disciples in Japan.

Their Vision

Our heart has always been about the Next Generation. It’s so important in today’s society that we sow into the lives of young people and young adults; teaching them so that they learn life skills, journeying with them so they receive purpose, and loving them so they accurately see who Jesus really is.

For us, we want to see the Next Generation in Japan grow in an environment where Christ is present and they live the life God intended for them to live. Through healthy theology, creative community and disciple-making mission, we want to birth Gospel Communities around the country where disciples make disciples, who make disciples.

Along with Pastor Aogu Tateyama, we hope to mainly work with Ealing Christian Church in Tokyo; serving the church in Japan, planting gospel communities and growing healthy leaders’.

Latest News

Jordan and Nitasha News June 2023
News from Jordan and Nitasha as they prepare to go to Japan
Jordan and Nitasha News May 2023
News from Jordan and Nitasha as they prepare to go to Japan
Jordan and Nitasha News April 2023
News from Jordan and Nitasha as they prepare to go to Japan

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