
Hodgsons Newsletter from Spain - August 2023

All Change: Church move

About 5 years ago we felt God put the town of La Cala on our hearts, we have prayed for opportunities to arise for us to move there and now we have one. Calahonda has changed and has become more about holiday let’s and la Cala is growing with residents every year. Not only are we changing location but also times, we will be moving to a morning time slot of 10.30 am. It’s been very difficult trying to attract people to church at .4-30om on a Sunday. The new venue is sound proofed and air conditioned and ready to be used. Please pray for us as we transition to a new location.

Picture3This year has had its mixture of difficult times and blessings. The transient nature of the church here is an ongoing challenge. Due to the pandemic and Brexit we have faced challenges. However, God is still at work and we have seen our young adults group grow and we have started a new House Group, coffee morning and church breakfasts. We have seen water baptisms and new people join the church.

We view the Costa del sol as our parish, we minister to those who may never become members of our Church. We feel challenged to open to reach out to our new town where the church is moving to in September.

Picture2We have been delighted to receive ministry from the wider Elim family. Malcolm Duncan kindly ministered a powerful message to the church, we received fabulous ministry from Dan Rubens from Cornwall and Mark Lyndon Jones from Wales.

We thank God for our supporters, without them this ministry simply wouldn’t exist.

Family news

Picture6My Dad sadly passed away from Parkinson’s. And last month Naomi and I, traveled back to the UK to attend his funeral.

Picture5We also had a family holiday on the Costa Blanca.

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