Dave & Naomi Hodgson



Dave originates from Derby City Church and worked as an Assistant Pastor at Elim Coventry for six years. After moving to Spain in 2009 he worked alongside Howard and Sue Coley and married their daughter Naomi. As of May 2014 Dave and Naomi took on the pastorate of the Encounter Church (Formerly Calahonda church) in Spain.

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Your Place in Kenya is a small project but it has a big heart. Grimsby Neighbourhood Church pastor Sue Boyle tells the story of the community initiative her church is sponsoring
Macedonia Update October 2023
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A real joy that we are able to meet again...
After a four-year hiatus due to the pandemic Elim’s missionaries from around the world gathered to reflect, rest and worship, writes Jack Skett

Other Missionaries in Europe

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Romania (UK based)
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Estonia (UK based)
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