
Robinson ministry update - January 2023

Ali Robinson

Happy New Year from sunny and snowy Lancaster!

A couple of days ago we were delighted to see snow falling for the first time in 12 years! Not that it hasn't fallen in all that time, we just weren't here to see it! I am sure the novelty will wear off, but it really does transform the world around us. Everything looks fresh and clean, for a while.


Talking about fresh, Father's House, our new church in Lancaster held a commissioning for us on the 8th of January as we stepped into our fresh, new roles. We hugely appreciate that the church is behind us and supporting us as we step into the next part of God's plan for us.


Tim's new role with the SIL International Language Services team started at the beginning of January. He travelled down to High Wycombe and then across to Oxford last week for some face to face orientation on his new role and some meetings with others in Global teams. All the conversations have added up to a clearer picture of the contribution Tim is able to make in his new role. It will help people to be more deliberate about their planning and better able to see how they are progressing towards their goals. He will also be helping teams to think about other sources for financial support of the work. Ali's role is still gradually materialising. More on that when we know more!

Dan has been working hard on building the e-learning modules for Wycliffe UK. We had Judith Sawers stay with us for a few days last week while she and Dan and Keith (Tim's Dad) did some intense face to face work. Dan is now working on implementing all the requests that came out of that.

Thank you for your prayers for us as our time of transition enters its next stage. We value you and really couldn't couldn't serve God in this way without your prayers and support.


  • Our church choosing to commission us as missionaries in our new roles
  • Positive trip for Tim down south and back again


  • Wisdom for all involved as Ali's role comes together
  • Wisdom for Tim as he listens and learns and starts to feed in his knowledge and clear thinking
  • Grace and patience for us all in this role transition time

God Bless,
Tim & Ali & Dan Robinson.

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