Copyright@canon J.John

Deb Ann Hughes News - December 2022

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy and blessed New Year! May God bless you abundantly this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.

I've been back in the Oasis now for nearly 2.5 months. I was made very welcome by most of the children greeting me in the street and my friend 'ZZ' cried when she saw me. I didn't tell her that I was arriving and wanted to surprise her. I had had a dream many months ago that I ran to hug her and we both sobbed as though we had lost something. At the time of the dream my lovely Dad had passed away but I didn't know about ZZ. Standing infront of her as I arrive I realised that it was her Mum that had sadly passed away the month previously. This was exactly how we felt in the dream.

I will write more about my time in the Oasis in the New Year.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers especially during this very difficult year.
God Bless,


Please pray for my precious Mum. At the beginning of November she found 2 lumps in her breast and a few weeks later had a confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer. It's been a month of hospital appointments for tests and other concerns too. The doctors have said that it is in the early stages and she will have to undergo a lumpectomy followed by a course of radiotherapy. Her operation will be on the 5th January. I will travel back to the UK to help mum on the 1st January.

Please pray that all goes well and for speedy recovery. Thank you.

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