
Limitless Festival 2020

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today to let you know we have taken the decision to cancel Limitless Festival 2020. Literally thousands of you had already booked on, and we are so devastated that we will not be able to gather together with you all this summer.

Limitless is a family, and families make whatever sacrifices are necessary to protect one another. So as things have progressed with the COVID-19 pandemic in recent weeks the decision became clear - we must sacrifice the event we have been working so hard towards in order to ensure the health and wellbeing of the family. Your safety is our priority, and we simply could not choose to run an event that would have the potential of putting any of you at risk.
There are other reasons that have impacted this decision - some financial, others operational and practical - but ultimately the overriding influence is to care for the Limitless family - and in that I absolutely include those of you who were planning to join us for the first time, as well as those of you who’ve been on the journey together for years.
With that in mind, I write to you now with three requests…
Firstly, PLEASE GET THE DATES FOR LIMITLESS FESTIVAL 2021 IN YOUR DIARY! We will be gathering together at Stafford Showground on 6-10 August 2021. Can you imagine how powerful it will be when we finally overcome these present challenges and come together as one!?
Secondly, your group booking as been automatically transferred to Limitless Festival 2021, so thanks for booking in early!  :)
In all seriousness, what we want more than anything is for you and your group to be with us again next year, so if at all possible we would be incredibly grateful if you were able to hold your booking for 2021. It’s worth noting that, if you do carry your booking forward to next year, you will be able to amend that booking and the ticket holder details as the Festival draws near - so it will save you a fair bit of admin work down the line! However, we understand that these are financially challenging times for everyone, so if you do need to request a refund then we will absolutely honour that of course. Please contact simon.kemp@limitlesselim.co.uk who will issue you a form.
Finally, I am reminded at this time of these words from Hebrews 10…
‘we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved’ (Hebrews 10:39)
Friends, I still believe that God is up to something amongst us, I still believe that we can see a move of God through this generation that we have yet to experience. And so let it be our choice together in these days to not shrink back, to not give up, to not be destroyed - but to rise up, stand firm, stay close to Jesus and see some incredible things happen together in the days, months and years to come.
My friends, God is not finished with us yet, so let’s stay on the journey. Together we are limitless.
With much love,
Tim Alford
National Director of Limitless

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